Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt September 30, 2018 Can black pink comeback already so I have a Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt to decline ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt September 30, 2018 I swear these girls just want a Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt no matter if it’s the bitch that wanted her man last week you can... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Rodgers shirt September 30, 2018 He was incredibly human in the Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Rodgers shirt. He was not disingenuous at al... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt September 30, 2018 Nigerian politics is Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt. Mama Taraba spoke. Many expected her to resign or ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Cthulhu I love crafting shirt September 30, 2018 Heroes in Crisis is a Cthulhu I love crafting shirt in the face to the years of hard work DC Rebirth spent crafting an ethos of legacy, em... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I’m sorry for what I said while we were trying to park the camper shirt September 30, 2018 Miss Betty’s neighbors are I’m sorry for what I said while we were trying to park the camper shirt. I wonder if she goes to church and sin... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Yes I’m a bitch but not your shirt September 30, 2018 You are stronger than you wear the Yes I’m a bitch but not your shirt. I know it’s hard right now and believing in yourself is tough, but ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
High on pumpkin hella weed shirt September 30, 2018 I was just sitting here like I swear to High on pumpkin hella weed shirt I have hella weed somewhere. I was so frustrated cause I knew I h... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Wander woman shirt September 30, 2018 So you think the people that Wander woman shirtwas there that have said they don’t remember anything like what she claims will all of a su... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt September 30, 2018 I don’t know what to be madder at the fact that I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt has been in a beer-drought in anticipation of th... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Super mama Saurus by day super tired by night shirt September 29, 2018 Coffee isSuper mama Saurus by day super tired by night shirt really fun because if you don’t drink it you’re super tired and can’t functio... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I endured debilitating childhood trauma and all I got was this personality disorder shirt September 29, 2018 People with I endured debilitating childhood trauma and all I got was this personality disorder shirt. Antisocial personality disorders do... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt September 29, 2018 Can black pink comeback already so I have a Roses are red violets are blue little stupid ass bitch I ain’t fuckin witchu shirt to decline ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I’m not yelling I’m a German that’s how we talk shirt September 29, 2018 It’s the view of one academic being interviewed. I agree with I’m not yelling I’m a German that’s how we talk shirt and I’m sure it’s a vi... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Pompeii fun run shirt September 29, 2018 My daughter Crayon is Pompeii fun run shirt. In her school’s Fun Run, and they are raising pledges for school supplies! She could use your... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
High on pumpkin hella weed shirt September 29, 2018 I was just sitting here like I swear to High on pumpkin hella weed shirt I have hella weed somewhere. I was so frustrated cause I knew I h... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Wander woman shirt September 29, 2018 So you think the people that Wander woman shirtwas there that have said they don’t remember anything like what she claims will all of a su... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt September 29, 2018 Larry is so stupid thinking harry doesn’t like the I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt he makes and only does it bc he thinks it’s what peo... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt September 29, 2018 Nigerian politics is Mess with my kids and you’ll get jurasskicked by mamasaurus shirt. Mama Taraba spoke. Many expected her to resign or ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Books and coffee and dogs and social justice shirt September 29, 2018 Today is a good day to take a Books and coffee and dogs and social justice shirt and read some books written by women. Ones that you love.... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Don’t mess with grandmasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt September 28, 2018 If they had allowed the Don’t mess with grandmasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt investigation and not outsourced their constitutional ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt September 28, 2018 My aunt, who played a Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt.In supporting my medical education, passed away today from... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Don’t mess with sistersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt September 28, 2018 Can’t make the Don’t mess with sistersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt for our sisters and daughters if we refuse to trust women. Nobod... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Don’t mess with nanasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt September 28, 2018 In the middle of this Don’t mess with nanasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt, just interviewed Tanushree Dutta who spoke out strongly ag... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Don’t mess with daddysaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt September 28, 2018 The thing about dating baby daddies is that Don’t mess with daddysaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt you can’t blame their crazy BMS for ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt September 28, 2018 I swear these girls just want a Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt no matter if it’s the bitch that wanted her man last week you can... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I was going to be a liberal for Halloween but my head would not fit up my ass shirt September 28, 2018 Based on the I was going to be a liberal for Halloween but my head would not fit up my ass shirt arguments I’m carrying on with liberal an... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Cigars solve most of my problems bourbon solves the rest shirt September 28, 2018 This former general, despite abrogating the Cigars solve most of my problems bourbon solves the rest shirt, is sitting in a VIP enclosure ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Don’t mess with teachersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt September 28, 2018 Teachers marching to Don’t mess with teachersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt.Today to demand more funding for schools. I’m hoping the ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Last Christmas as a miss shirt September 28, 2018 My engine light had been on thisLast Christmas as a miss shirt and I did nothing about it and it went off on its own so that’s proof that ... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
My aunt really don’t Play-Doh shirt September 27, 2018 Dark skin aunt viv also got pregnant during the My aunt really don’t Play-Doh shirt of the show, a violation of the contract. Lool you lot... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I’m the Aunt that really don’t Play-Doh shirt September 27, 2018 Bananas but I don’t want to I’m the Aunt that really don’t Play-Doh shirt. Plus we wouldn’t be able to afford that anyways. My aunt is alr... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt September 27, 2018 I just got called fat by the I’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine shirt artist well, he said I was fat, like a few months ago. Wel... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Thick thighs and sarcasm shirt September 27, 2018 Especially, someone, you communicate with the Thick thighs and sarcasm shirt. It starts by missing the conversations when the person isn’t... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
A wise woman once said fuck this shit and she lived happily ever after shirt September 27, 2018 A wise woman Builds her home but the A wise woman once said fuck this shit and she lived happily ever after shirt tears it down. Carefully... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Very gradual change we can believe in shirt September 27, 2018 The Very gradual change we can believe in shirt handloom sector of Assam has faced a crisis due to a gradual decline in a number of weaver... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Basic witch Starbucks witch shirt September 27, 2018 You ever think about how the Basic witch Starbucks witch shirt from the wizard of oz can die from bukkake and then you realize that you ca... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Michael Myers just the tip shirt September 27, 2018 In spite of what some people will tell you, The Michael Myers just the tip shirt, a community. People recommend talent to other people, tr... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Animals make me happy you not so much shirt September 27, 2018 It’s just the Animals make me happy you not so much shirt that kinda makes me feel like a zoo animal ya know? I’m happy when people ask ab... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
It take two to make a day go right shirt September 27, 2018 Ever have an It take two to make a day go right shirt. Nothing will make this Pain stop! Headaches, stiff neck, Throat swells up and finge... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Alice and Dorothy I’ve seen some weird shit Jack Daniels shirt September 26, 2018 I don’t think it’s weird at all for theAlice and Dorothy I’ve seen some weird shit Jack Daniels shirt to say other men are attractive. I f... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I am not spoiled I’m just well taken care freaking awesome December guy shirt September 26, 2018 There is an I am not spoiled I’m just well taken care freaking awesome December guy shirt but I think I’m a Mom Stan where I just wanna ma... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Indiana Jones Han Solo carbonite discovery shirt September 26, 2018 Solo is filled with an Indiana Jones Han Solo carbonite discovery shirt to Star Wars a new hope where a young lovestruck Han begins walkin... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Damn I make 29 look good shirt September 26, 2018 I want you guys to send me a Damn I make 29 look good shirt! It’ll be a collage of different people rapping the song and it’ll come togeth... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
With teaching in her heart and pumpkin spice in her hand she is unstoppable shirt September 26, 2018 I was teaching my niece the With teaching in her heart and pumpkin spice in her hand she is unstoppable shirt and when I kept asking her t... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Halloween Teachers love brains shirt September 26, 2018 My brain remembers that Halloween Teachers love brains shirt one time in second grade when you threw up in class or how about that one tim... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Your wife my wife shirt September 26, 2018 Have you seen the Your wife my wife shirt her son Narendra Modi wears? Clearly, he’s selfish enough to have nice clothes and lifestyle whi... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Grammar police shirt September 26, 2018 This is Grammar police shirt. If you spend enough time here you should earn a college degree. We have social issues, history lessons, spor... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
Real women marry assholes shirt September 26, 2018 The thing is Real women marry assholes shirt we don’t really live in a society now where women have to marry to have a man to depend on fi... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+
I have two titles aunt and dogmom and I rock them both shirt September 26, 2018 Me personally, I would like to I have two titles aunt and dogmom and I rock them both shirt, actually win the tag titles, and then lose th... BUY NOW Share Twitter Facebook Google+