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I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt

I don’t know what to be madder at the fact that I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt has been in a beer-drought in anticipation of the first of next month or the fact that the law restricting high-point beverages in grocery stores probably shouldn’t have been in place, to begin with. It, I’m ready for October 1st. Tired of you ignorant mf’ers crying about a beer drought. I mean it must take an intelligent mf’er to know liquor stores have a beer that’s already 5.4% oh and it’ll be a bow. Hosting a major tournament in a country where they measure beer in liters rather than pints is always a good choice. Moos who survived the drought between decal, yea and made it through both eras without losing their damn minds won’t just survive natural selection they are natural selection.
I Survived The Beer Drought Of 2018 V-neck T-Shirt

I survived the beer drought of 2018 shirt Reviewed by Katarina on September 30, 2018 Rating: 5
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