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I endured debilitating childhood trauma and all I got was this personality disorder shirt

People with I endured debilitating childhood trauma and all I got was this personality disorder shirt. Antisocial personality disorders don’t have empathy and don’t care. At all. So for anyone to be offended is so confusing to me considering they actually literally don’t care. Like. at all. And its something that is rarely even discussed and it can affect lives. She sat there in front of the whole world and showed, through her dignified manner, the validity of her story and he, through HIS enraged, entitled manner showed a personality that any fool could see is capable of violence. Nigel Farage isn’t a politician. He has no policies. Hasn’t implemented a beanbag. Made zero impact as an MEP. Is only in it to further the cult of his personality.
Endured Debilitating Childhood Trauma Got Personality Disorder Hoodie

I endured debilitating childhood trauma and all I got was this personality disorder shirt Reviewed by Katarina on September 29, 2018 Rating: 5
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