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Don’t mess with sistersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt

Can’t make the Don’t mess with sistersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt for our sisters and daughters if we refuse to trust women. Nobody wants to believe despicable truths abt friends and colleagues but when it’s clear that wrong has been done, our silence makes us complicit. We’re just convincing women that nothing will change. Whatever be the verdict in my family mom and sisters won’t be going and they will follow the procedures what they are doing it now, only the fake feminist and anti-Hindus behind the mask of activist will celebrate if the law favors them. Some animals are equal but others are more equal. People like you disgust me. I wish it was your daughter, sister or mother that was stabbed then we shall give you a special demand.
Don't Mess With Sistersaurus You'll Get Jurasskicked Sweater

Don’t mess with sistersaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt Reviewed by Katarina on September 28, 2018 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by t-shirt3 © 2017
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