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Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt

I swear these girls just want a Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt no matter if it’s the bitch that wanted her man last week you can’t pay me to fuck with these fakes. Tyler showed me this ugly ass Halloween decoration and wanted to buy it and I was like ew no. And he said oh you like the movie Casper but you don’t like these ghost candle holders. I honestly don’t have any friends, the bitches I rock with my family. I couldn’t stop fw these bitches if I wanted to. They know too much, we been through to much. We locked in for life. Nobody could go through the shit we go through & genuinely still love each. Exactly what I’m talking about.
Bill Cosby These Bitches Wanted Me Sweater

Bill Cosby these bitches wanted me shirt Reviewed by Katarina on September 28, 2018 Rating: 5
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