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I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt

Larry is so stupid thinking harry doesn’t like the I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt he makes and only does it bc he thinks it’s what people will like, the genre he releases is literally dead, locals listen to rap and hip hop, rock music is not popular anymore and it’s not something everyone will. What stupid shit did everyone do in elementary school I’m the genuinely curious person I accidentally killed all my class’s beetles for a science lab and convinced a kid to electrocute himself with a wall socket. I swear I cannot be the only one who hasn’t thought about it in like a year. my stupid ass really owns that shit and I haven’t even watched it since holy fuck. let me get my DVD real quick.
I Hate Everyone Stupid Cunts Hoodie

I hate everyone stupid cunts shirt Reviewed by Katarina on September 29, 2018 Rating: 5
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