Wolf every saint has a past and every sinner has a future shirt
Or if some sport was previously held in your flock and Wolf every saint has a past and every sinner has a future shirt, it’ll tell the flock that you won because, you were not even a sheep, but because you were indeed a wolf and which is why you won. Or it’ll somehow invent some stories, even if there wasn’t any of this playful locking horns with anyone. It’ll make stories out of even nothing, like, if you ever scratched the ground while grazing or if you didn’t graze properly in a field or if you grazed very properly in a field etc etc.. that wolf in the sheep’s clothing will twist anything and everything and feed those stories to the flock and will keep them in mind fog, completely blurring their views.
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Wolf every saint has a past and every sinner has a future shirt
Reviewed by Katarina
May 02, 2019