I fish so I don’t choke people shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Because Thanos has an I fish so I don’t choke people shirt. He is afraid that he might fall in love and his feelings might stop him from doing what he needs to do. In the comics, Thanos fears Hulk and avoids him every chance he gets another dumbed down ally. The other is Thor! Thor and Hulk could beat his ass! Thanos stabbed Tony in the abs, if he meant to kill him, he should’ve gone for the head. Strange already said the only scenario he saw them winning was one where Stark was alive. Thanos while a mad Titan super villain, still seems to be a man of his word.
Buy this shirt: I fish so I don’t choke people shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
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I fish so I don’t choke people shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Reviewed by Katarina
April 27, 2019