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I’m the crazy grandma everyone warned you about mess with my Grandkids shirt

They made an I’m the crazy grandma everyone warned you about mess with my grandkids my angels you better run for your life because I’m coming after you and hell’s coming with me shirt. Some of us are just assholes who ignore you, which is good because you sound like you just talk out your arrogant, ignorant ass. Nuff said. MageeThis was growing up. I kinda have a good Balance now. But I still have my Introverted days. Wesley Bivens, I don’t understand why you think that anyone thinks they’re ‘special’ because of something that can affect their life negatively. As someone who finds psychology and human minds interesting there’s a lot we don’t know about people.
I'm The Crazy Grandma Everyone Warned You About Mess With My Grandkids Hoodie

I’m the crazy grandma everyone warned you about mess with my Grandkids shirt Reviewed by Katarina on March 26, 2019 Rating: 5
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