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Sunflower there’s this boy he kinda stole my heart he calls me grammy shirt, hoodie

I think we both realized we worded our initial statements a Sunflower there’s this boy he kinda stole my heart he calls me grammy shirt and I didn’t see how my comment could have been offensive but I see where she is coming from.its all love I never would want anyone to be upset over something so silly I loved the video! I literally sat here and watched the whole thing crying… then I remember senior year during Birds class doing this song as a skit with you and the other girl in our group fell out of the trash can.
Sunflower There's This Boy He Kinda Stole My Heart He Calls Me Grammy Hoodie

Sunflower there’s this boy he kinda stole my heart he calls me grammy shirt, hoodie Reviewed by Katarina on February 26, 2019 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by t-shirt3 © 2017
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