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I tried to be a good girl but then the campfire was lit and there was Whisky shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

People like myself have to the I tried to be a good girl but then the campfire was lit and there was Whisky shirt. And Moonshine Tennessee Whiskey shirt, I have to babysit mine so much that I might as well be paying child support for it. Isn’t all beer craft beer technically since brewing is a craft? I always feel bad when I’m at the store though and see people in line with Coors, bud, Miller, Busch, and steel reserve, I just want to pull them aside and tell them that good beer does exist and that they don’t have to drink that terrible piss water.
Tried Good Girl Campfire Lit Whisky Hoodie

I tried to be a good girl but then the campfire was lit and there was Whisky shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt Reviewed by Katarina on February 25, 2019 Rating: 5
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