Always stoned highagain shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
So when they are called reborn babies, it’s Always stoned highagain shirt. But when I tell dead baby jokes, I get thrown out of the staff meeting. Seriously people. They’re just alternative reborn dolls. I’m a reborn artist but I don’t do alternative. They’re just vinyl. Not hurting anyone and this woman is very popular in the reborn community. She’s making a killing on these dolls. She enjoys her job. You can’t steal a dolls innocence by painting it into a zombie. I think a dead baby joke and reborn babies are different lol. So educated. What do you call her job then? And how is reborning related to dementia?
Always stoned highagain shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Reviewed by Katarina
February 27, 2019