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Paul not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I am the mom of the dog in this Paul not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt. His name is Poseidon after the god of the sea because he has the most beautiful blue eyes. He’s two years old, his birthday is September 25th, he has two meals a day, a very large basket of toys, goes on 3 walks a day, sleeps between his mom and dad every night and has a huge backyard he goes out to with his brother atleast 15 times a day.
Paul Not One To Mess With Prideful Loyal To A Fault Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Paul not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Paul not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt Reviewed by Katarina on January 30, 2019 Rating: 5
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