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I’m a January girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I can’t with this video, that I’m a January girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt. I cried like a baby! God is so good! My heart just fills so much! There are angels on earth! I am in tears. This little boy oh wow. All I have to say to the people out there in the world including myself, we don’t have anything to complain about when we are able. You can have what so ever you say and believe that you have received. I love his child like faith. Test God and see if He doesn’t pour out a blessing your house can not contain!! Thank you, Lord, for your word, is true! This brought tears to my eyes! I was just walking around complaining about something so dumb! But when I saw this video, I thought this little guys situation is larger than mine, he wasn’t complaining when he was about to fall.
I'm A January Girl I Was Born With My Heart On My Sleeve Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m a January girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
I’m a January girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt Reviewed by Katarina on December 29, 2018 Rating: 5
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