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All I need is this kitty and that other kitty and those kitties over there and shirt, hoodie

Someone needs to tell those evil animal abusers that All I need is this kitty and that other kitty and those kitties over there and shirt is what cats do if you don’t like it please please don’t get a cat!! Just let cat lovers have them. Cats are so stupid. Especially when they attack children. God forbid a dog jumped at a child aggressively like those dumb cats, it would be put down. Absolutely hate cats. Cats are just like kids to me. They have such personality. My kitties are my best friends. I love me my cats. And this is why I don’t like cats. It’s funny I guess but the moment they will had touched my baby there head would be on a spike. Cat lovers angry comments incoming in.
Need Kitty Kitty Kitties Hoodie

Buy this shirt: All I need is this kitty and that other kitty and those kitties over there and shirt, hoodie
All I need is this kitty and that other kitty and those kitties over there and shirt, hoodie Reviewed by Katarina on December 29, 2018 Rating: 5
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