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The walking dead all character signature shirt

Everyone keeps saying Carl and The walking dead all character signature shirt die neither do not Carl cuz Negan says if that kid starts crying cut out his good eye and make his father swallow it. Hence Carl rick is safe and Daryl he was half dead already and would not take 7 swings to kill him one good one. I’m thinking its michonne another death would put rick over the edge it could be Glenn maybe could be Abraham Eugene you don’t know but 3 it’s not are Carl rick and Daryl. Not only was the cliffhanger ratings grab but Negan wasn’t even scary. I would total let him babysit my toddler. He looks like the comic Negan but not the least bit terrifying. The final of season 6 without cliffhanger the show will be nonsense with no importance in the next episodes.
The Walking Dead All Character Signature Hoodie

Buy this shirt: The walking dead all character signature shirt
The walking dead all character signature shirt Reviewed by Katarina on November 26, 2018 Rating: 5
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