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Official I used to smile and then I worked at subway shirt, hoodie

I posted on my local classified site on Official I used to smile and then I worked at subway shirt that my family wanted to adopt a needy family at Thanksgiving. Meaning We wanted to supply them everything they needed for their meal. I am going to be dropping it off this Sunday to them. I then made it a challenge on my post on that classified site, that maybe there was one other family reading my post that can help another needy family, then maybe there was a third family reading my post that could help a third needy family. I went to Subway in Coloma to grab lunch today and as the girls were making my sandwich, I heard them tell the gentleman in front of me that they couldn’t accept his check. Never underestimate your ability to make someone’s day.
Official I Used To Smile And Then I Worked At Subway Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Official I used to smile and then I worked at subway shirt, hoodie
Official I used to smile and then I worked at subway shirt, hoodie Reviewed by Katarina on November 24, 2018 Rating: 5
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