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Special Christmas wine sweater

If you feel you would bleed out, the Special Christmas wine sweater. Of the alcohol would indicate you were just a drunk asleep. Yes, this does happen. It happened to a friend of my mothers. And he died after people stepped over him. That moment when you don’t want to admit you have a drinking problem so you just make an accessory for it and make a video about it so that more people share your disorder. The bangle flask, the wine stocking, the flask clutch etc. If you need alcohol like that you may need to seek professional help fa real. Made my own Christmas jumper by decorating an existing jumper with a shop bought stocking, amazing what you can get in the stocking. Currently working on a straw to go from contents to mouth without being seen.
Special Christmas Wine Guys Shirt

Special Christmas wine sweater Reviewed by Katarina on October 25, 2018 Rating: 5
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