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Woah We’re Halfway There Woah Lemon on a Pear shirt

After months of careful planning and Woah We’re Halfway There Woah Lemon on a Pear shirt placing the seeds, this morning I received confirmation that I was successful. My son now legitimately believes the lyrics are Whoa, we’re halfway there, whoa, lemon on a pear. A fresh, fruity floral fragrance with top notes of apple, pear, lemon, mandarin, and loganberry supported by a heart of freesia, waterlily, lychee, and osmanthus resting on a base of must. I love lemons and limes but all I can taste is pear probably because I don’t like it. Won’t be buying this again, but used to enjoy the lemon and limes drink previously.
Woah We’re Halfway There Woah Lemon On A Pear Sweater

Woah We’re Halfway There Woah Lemon on a Pear shirt Reviewed by Katarina on September 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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