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I’m a Vikings fan surviving in enemy territory shirt

I was in Chicago wearing my I’m a Vikings fan surviving in enemy territory shirt and checking out at a grocery store. I heard hey you! In a deep voice, I looked up and a big dude wearing his own Vikings shirt yelled I looked back raised my fist and said skol back. Right in the middle of bear country. I’m cool with the small talk but what I hate are the assumptions. Just because I’m wearing a Vikings shirt doesn’t mean that’s what I’m looking for. Hate when first words are here are all my Vikings stuff.
I'm A Vikings Fan Surviving In Enemy Territory Hoodie

I’m a Vikings fan surviving in enemy territory shirt Reviewed by Katarina on August 15, 2018 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by t-shirt3 © 2017
Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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