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I’m an Ohio State fan surviving in enemy territory shirt

Just got theI’m an Ohio State fan surviving in enemy territory shirt free drink at the bar for wearing a shirt and then 10 min later watched someone in a shirt step in a pile of vomit. I’m not saying this means anything but it might tho. A friend wants to set me up with a guy, she sent me his picture he’s wearing a shirt I told her that I question how well she really knows me that would never work! As I sit here typing while wearing my Ohio State Buckeyes shirt, which I usually wear on game day.
I'm An Ohio State Fan Surviving In Enemy Territory Hoodie

I’m an Ohio State fan surviving in enemy territory shirt Reviewed by Katarina on August 15, 2018 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by t-shirt3 © 2017
Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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